Simple Tips To Using Your Iphone And Making Life Easier

TIP! Update your phone when new updates are out. Keeping your phone updated guarantees that your software is the latest version, which offers updates as well as other options This also requires you to back up your photos and other information to your computer.

If you get your iphone wet, try to use rice when drying it out. No matter how much care you take, your phone may slip into water, or even get rained on. Rather than using a dryer, dry the phone with some paper towel and place it inside a rice filled ziploc bag. It should be dried out after several hours or overnight.

TIP! If you get a larger keyboard, browsing the web with your iPhone will be a little easier. This does not require you to make any purchases but simply an adjustment on your device.

Once you understand how to use the volume buttons to take a picture, try taking a picture with the headphone cord. Make sure that your body and hands are steady when taking this shot for a better resolution. Using this technique will help ensure your photos are crisp and clear.

TIP! Use your iPhone to help you navigate from place to place. Whenever you’re attempting to obtain directions somewhere or find stores located along the way, the map portion of the phone can be utilized as a GPS.

If you are accessing the web on you iphone, do not worry about using the “.com” portion of the website address. The phone will recognize the website when you type in its main name. The small amount of time you save can add up over thousands of searches.

Based Reminders

TIP! If you wish to send your message or draft a note but do not want to utilize corrected words, there is no need to touch the “x” to get rid of them. Just tap on your screen where ever you want and the box should close.

You can use Siri to set reminders linked to locations. Instead of the time-based reminders, you can use location-based reminders. You now say “Siri, please remind me when I arrive home to phone work.” The phone will then detect when you are home and remind you of your call. You’ll be able to use reminders more effectively by making them location-based instead of time-based.

TIP! You phone will allow you to view parts of your messages even when locked through its default settings. It may be a feature you like or dislike.

You can use your headphone cord to take a photo. Begin by framing the picture you want to capture. Push down on the cord’s button when you are ready to snap your picture. This will take the picture. To save, do as you would normally do.

TIP! Your iPhone can provide visual indicators of incoming messages and calls. You can set up the iPhone’s LED flash to blink when a call or message comes in.

Do you want to include an umlauted or accented letter in your conversation, but don’t know how? Here’s the trick. Simply touch the relevant letter and hold your finger down for a variety of options. A box with extra keys will come up. You can type fancy letters to your heart’s content!

TIP! The iPhone’s Safari browser will let you do just about anything you could do on a full-sized computer, including pull images off of the Internet. If you run into a picture you want to save while you’re browsing, just tap and hold it.

Second thoughts about something you entered in iMessage? Did Auto Correct alter what you intended to say? Shake your iphone and you can quickly undo any damage. This feature will undo everything you have recently typed. This feature is not turned on by default, so go to Settings and set it up.

TIP! Make sure your iPhone is using the latest updates. The iPhone has become as sophisticated as many computers.

Practice scrolling through a website while using both a single finger and two fingers. If the webpage has more than one box, using one finger allows you to scroll just one box. Use two fingers to scroll though entire pages of continuous text.

Suggestion Box

TIP! When you make AutoText shortcuts for commonly typed phrases, you can cut down the amount of time you spend emailing and texting on your iPhone. This feature is easy for email addresses and common phrases.

When sending an email or typing in a note and do not want to use the suggested iphone words, there is no need to tap the X to get rid of the suggestion box. By tapping on any other part of the screen, you can dismiss the suggestion box automatically.

TIP! If you happen to accidentally drop the iPhone in water, you should not try turning it on right away. Let it dry out as much as possible before attempting to turn the power on.

You can use the settings to make the iphone visually indicate when you have an incoming call or message. You can set up the iPhone’s LED flash to blink when a call or message comes in. From Settings, go to General and then find Accessibility. Once you do this, select the “LED Flash” option.

TIP! Try not to purchase or store too many apps on your iPhone. Because Apple approves apps before they are listed in iTunes, most apps out there, both free and paid, are really useful.

There are many types of reminders available on your iphone; you have the ability to set up time-based reminders. Also, you can set reminders that are based on locations as well. You could tell the phone to remind you to go to a certain location when you leave another. You can use a variety of different reminder types with your iphone.

TIP! You can quickly reach the top of any page you are viewing without having to scroll. There is not need to do that! Tap the bar on the top of the page and it will bring you to where you started.

Your iPhone’s calander can be a great tool. A way to use it more effectively is to directly create events on the calendar entry instead of using the plus button. When in an individual day of the calendar, tap and then hold the time slot in which you wish to create your event. This will save you some time in your busy day.