My RCA MP3 Player Review

I recently purchased an RCA Pearl and I like it so much I decided to do an RCA MP3 player review on it. This is not a CD MP3 player review as the Pearl is built to only play MP3s, and not CDs. This is not to say that this is going to be an all positive RCA MP3 player review, as there are some parts of this RCA MP3 player review that are definitely negative. If you are looking for some kind of fan boy RCA MP3 player review, then try somewhere else.
My Unbiased RCA MP3 Player Review
This little MP3 player offers some outstanding sound quality. In addition to that it is extremely small and can go just about anywhere. If you get a good set of headphones this can definitely be an outstanding traveling MP3 player. While not as small as an iPod shuffle, there are a lot more features on it and you can use it to playback the songs you want to hear and not be forced to bend to the whims of the shuffle. It also includes audio book support for your book MP3’s. The connection on it is a built in USB which is nice when you need to charge it up and do not feel like bringing a cord with you. You can also plug it into a buddy’s computer to share files and music quickly and easily with very little hassle. With about 2gig worth of storage there is plenty of room for a collection of songs and data files. Because of the portability, the size, and how easy it is to connect up the Pearl is a great choice for someone who is looking for an accessory that can keep up with them wherever they go.
The downside is that the interface on it can be a bit difficult to use. It is not nearly as user friendly as some of the larger touch screen or LCD MP3 players out there. Because of the cramped space on the view screen it can be very difficult to see what is going on and navigate from song to song. The good thing is though once you get used to it it becomes much easier to use. The learning curve is not too steep, but do not expect and MP3 player with a rich feature set. The other problem is that it is kind of thick and when you put it into the USB port on most systems it will take up two slots. Not a huge deal, but it can be a little bit of a pain if you are strapped for space. Lastly the headphone jack is in a very awkward position and can be tough to connect in. In addition it will stick out funny in your pocket and may be a bit of a pain.
Well there you have it, and uncompromising and complete RCA MP3 player review.