Simple Iphone Tips And Tricks Anyone Can Easily Use

TIP! The iPhone works pretty well as a navigation tool. Use the map component as a GPS when you are trying to get directions to a specific location, or when you are trying to find things like grocery stores or gas stations along the way.

Are you feeling intimidated by the thought of buying something as technical as an iphone? Are you unsure about whether you can master it? Do not be worried. Here are some ideas to help you understand iphone basics.

TIP! You can create shortcuts and a personalized dictionary with your iPhone. A properly-programmed iPhone will be able to anticipate your words and speed you up.

When you have an iphone there is an app that helps you avoid getting lost. The map application that is included in your phone’s software will allow you to see your location anywhere that you have service. It will instruct you on how to get to your destination without issues.

TIP! When trying to type a text or email, are you confused about how to put in an accented or umlauted letter? Here is how to do it. Touch and hold the letter that requires accenting.

If you are online with your phone, you don’t have to type “.com” to end the URLs. All you need to do is enter the main section of the url, and your browser will guide you towards the right site. It might not seem like that much of a time-saver, but there is no reason to type it if you don’t have too.

TIP! Are you doubting the wisdom of what you just typed into iMessage? Have you ended up with something strange added to your message by Auto Correct? The easiest way to undo this is to just give a quick shake to your iPhone. It erases the most recent typing you have entered.

Do you get too many notifications on your iphone? You’ll find it easy to disable them. The first step is selecting the settings button, next select the notifications bar. Examine the apps listed in the heading and delete the ones you no longer use. As a bonus, this will increase battery life.

Headphone Cord

TIP! Ever miss a great picture because you could not access your phone’s camera quickly enough? Use this easy shortcut. First, just tap on the Home feature two times while the phone is locked.

It is possible to take a picture from your headphone cord. To begin, frame the picture that you are going to take. You should push the button located on your headphone cord to take the picture. This is how you snap the photo. To save, do as you would normally do.

TIP! The Safari browser on the iPhone is almost as versatile as your computer at home. You can even save online images if you want.

Do you need special characters when you type foreign or accented words? Here is how to find them. Press the button of the letter you want to use and hold it down. A box that contains extra keys should pop up. You can then type whatever you want!

TIP! When using Safari, you do not have to type the “.com”, saving you extra time.

You can easily set up your email on your iphone so that it is simple to retrieve your messages. This is crucial since you get instantly notified when you receive a message and you can view it right away. You can have one or many email accounts hooked up to your phone.

TIP! A great iPhone tip is to select your own ringtone. You want to stand out from the crowd, because most of them use the more standard ringtones.

When you get to a webpage, you can use your fingers to search. If the webpage has more than one box, using one finger allows you to scroll just one box. You can scroll through the whole page with two fingers.

TIP! You probably already know about the phone’s ability to set time reminders. However, you may not be aware that location-based reminders are also possible.

There are several ways to go about using the camera application on your iphone. Just use your headphones’ volume controls. You need a steady hand centered onto the image you wish to capture before you do anything else. Press a button on the cord to take the photo.

TIP! Limit the number of apps on your iPhone. There is a huge number of different apps for your iPhone.

You have read this article, and so should be more positive about an iphone. You are ready to buy and enjoy your first iphone. Plan on spending some time to use the helpful advice in this article as part of your strategy for learning to use your new iphone.