Great Tips To Make The Most Of Your Iphone

TIP! When you have mastered taking pictures by using your volume buttons, give it a try with your headphone cord. By using the cord buttons with one hand, you can keep your phone hand steadier.

Many people are coveting a new iphone but are simply intimidated by all that it can do. Fortunately, articles just like this one abound online, allowing users to understand their iphone better. Read this article to find out great iphone tips.

TIP! You don’t need to type in the “.com” when browsing the web on your iPhone.

Rice is an easy and quick way to dry out your iphone if you happen to get it wet. Nearly everyone has dropped a phone in a puddle, sink or even a toilet. Instead of using a hair dryer, wipe your phone with a soft paper towel and then put it into a ziploc bag filled with rice. It should be dried out after several hours or overnight.

TIP! To ensure the safety of your device, buy a screen protector. Your phone will surely fall victim to nicks and scratches if you have not purchased a screen protector for it.

If you would like your iphone battery to last longer, dial down the brightness factor of your phone’s display. This can be done in your phone’s settings, and you just lower the level of the brightness. If you do this, you can save a great amount of battery. If you want your phone to be as charged as possible, this is especially important.

TIP! Are you sick of the constnt notifications you receive on your iPhone? Here is a tip on how to turn them off. Begin by selecting the settings button, then tap the notifications bar.

The Siri app will now allow you to set reminders based on location. Instead of telling it to call work at a certain time, you can tell it to remind you to call when you arrive home. For example, ask Siri to remind you to do something when you arrive at your destination. Then, when the phone detects you’re at home, it will remind you to call work. Setting reminders has never been easier.

TIP! You can create your own shortcuts and dictionary with your iPhone. You will be able to use these shortcuts when using the dictation function of your iPhone.

Does the constant stream of phone notifications annoy you? You can easily turn them off. Begin by selecting the button that says “Settings”. Once you’re there, press the notifications bar. Remove items that aren’t useful from your “Notification Center”. Better still, removing these unwanted notifications can also extend the battery life of your device.

TIP! Are you aware that you can snap a photo from the headphone cord? To begin, frame the picture that you are going to take. When you are ready, hit the cord button.

Safari and mail applications are widely used by iphone owners, but many are not aware of how to save images with these apps. When you see a picture you want to save to your phone, just tap and hold on the image. This will prompt a box to open which gives you a save option.

TIP! If you want to use special characters in your text, the iPhone makes it easy. Here is how to find them.

One feature that most people use is the camera. After some substantial photography sessions, however; it could be hard sorting through all the pictures in the Camera Roll. Use your iPhone’s Album feature to organize your pictures into easy-to-manage groups. This is a great feature for when you are looking for a certain photo in a hurry.

TIP! If you do not want to use the iPhone suggestions for typing an email or note, it is not necessary to hit “x” to remove the box. You can eliminate the box by simply tapping at any spot on the screen.

After reading this article, you should a little more familiar with some of the neat functions that the iphone provides. Having learned these tricks, you can enhance your experience and feed your desire to know more. The tips and tricks in the article will make you an iphone wizard.